Project Role
SRTS Program Implementer
Project Partners
San Juan Unified School District
Project Timeline
October 2021 – June 2024
Safe Routes to School has been a part of the San Juan Unified School District for more than a decade, during which more than half of the District’s schools have benefited from education, encouragement, and evaluation all surrounding active modes of transportation.
Because of the popularity and success of prior Safe Routes to School programming at District schools, additional need was identified and the District received grant funds from the State to implement programs at 14 additional schools from 2021 through 2024. School sites benefitting from the current Safe Routes to School program are: Charles Peck Elementary (core school), Cottage Elementary (core school), Coyle Avenue Elementary (core school), San Juan High School (core school), El Sereno Alternative Education, James R. Cowan Fundamental Elementary, La Entrada Continuation High School, Meraki High School, Mesa Verde High School, Mira Loma High School, Mission Avenue Open Elementary, Rio Americano High School, Sierra Oaks Elementary, and Winston Churchill Middle School.
get involved and share your thoughts
Get Involved
Interested in participating in an upcoming walk audit or volunteering with us for a Walk or Bike to School Day event? Fill out this interest form and stay updated on ways to get involved:
Share Your Transportation Challenges and Concerns
Are you a parent or caregiver of a student at one of our 14 school sites listed above? Fill out this survey so we can better understand your transportation challenges and barriers (currently available in English, Spanish, and Arabic):
This survey will take about 5-10 minutes to complete. We ask that each family complete only one survey per school your children attend. If more than one child attends the same school, please fill out the survey for the child with the next birthday from today’s date.
Your responses will be kept confidential and neither your name nor your child’s name will be associated with any results.
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