The advocate as the Planner
Communities that support active transportation aren’t just safer, but make for healthier, cleaner, more sustainable, and economically vibrant neighborhoods. As planners, we support local agencies and community members through technical expertise in policy development and built environment design. As advocates, we work to bring together community members, policymakers, engineers, planners, youth, and many others to advance collective goals for access to opportunity and overall quality of life.
current Featured projects
San Juan Transportation Demand Management

We are stronger when we work together with our partners across diverse sectors and communities. By spearheading and participating in coalitions, we help advance local, regional, and statewide initiatives that lead to positive community change. We work with neighborhood organizations to uplift the voices of community members and advocate for community priorities.

Safe Routes to Schools: Sacramento Region
Continuing a 20+ year tradition of facilitating Safe Routes to Schools programs , we have supported over 100 local schools across 7 counties by providing comprehensive programming that includes Walk and Bike to School Days, walking school buses, pedestrian and bicycle safety education, parent champion training, and more.
California Jobs First (CERF) is a $600 million fund that will invest in state-wide projects that develop high quality jobs that are equitable, sustainable, & accessible. Civic Thread is partnering with community based organizations to lead the efforts in the Sac/Yolo and Yuba-Sutter subregions to bring investments to their communities.

We bridge the gap between local agencies, stakeholders, and community members in order to develop effective solutions for streetscape design, active transportation master plans, Safe Routes to School plans, and other transportation and land use planning efforts. Our established relationships in communities and applied understanding of design strategies makes us a valuable partner in short and long-range planning work. We use walk audits, pop-up events, design charettes, and other creative engagement methods to ensure that all voices, particularly those that typically go unheard, are represented throughout planning processes.

As a regional expert on smart growth principles and healthy community design, we work to advance local and regional policies that support health, equity, economic growth, and environmental sustainability. We advocate for greater investment, to ensure that community-supported plans and policies can actually be implemented. Our knowledge of design strategies, effective policy, and funding sources helps us apply national best practices to local contexts.