Mobility Zones | SACOG

Mobility Zones is a program to advance clean, shared, and active transportation investments in equity-priority communities. Mobility Zones will select 15 neighborhood-sized zones across the six-county SACOG region, prioritize projects that improve mobility within each zone, and implement some of the prioritized projects. The work of Mobility Zones, including identifying zones and prioritizing projects, is being done in partnership with Community-Based Organizations (CBO) and community leaders. 

There are many upcoming events for the Mobility Zones project throughout the 6 county SACOG region. We want to hear from you as we’re exploring new ways to make it easier to get around, whether by transit, walking, biking, or other modes of travel.

See the event calendar below for information on events in each county, and join us at an event!

If you can’t make the events, explore the draft mobility zones through Maptionnaire. You can leave your feedback on the map, or use the Self-Guided Walking Tour to take a walk through a zone with friends or family.

Upcoming Events

Mobility Zone Self-Guided Walking Tour

To access the Mobility Zones Walking Tour, click here.

Committees and Task Force

The Mobility Zones project is guided by seven committees: five community committees made up of community leaders, advocates, and organizers; one municipal committee made up of city and county staff; and one technical committee made up of regionally-serving organizations, including transit operators, air districts, and planning organizations. These committees meet quarterly to assess project progress and make decisions at critical milestones.  

Project Team

The Mobility Zones project is co-led by SACOG and Civic Thread with
support from Steer Consulting. The following individuals are part of
the Mobility Zones Project Management Team:

Kathleen Hanley (she/her)
SACOG Principal Transportation Planner
Kiara Reed (she/her)
Civic Thread Executive Director
David Moore (he/him)
Civic Thread Community Planning Specialist
Emily Alter (she/her)
Steer Associate
Michael Snavely (he/him)
Steer Associate Director
Jenny Hong (she/her)
Steer Principal Consultant
BREATHE, El Dorado/Placer Community Lead
Camptonville Community Partnership, Yuba Foothills Community Lead
Sacramento Area Congregations Together, Sacramento Community Lead
Health Education Council, Yolo
Community Lead
California Health Collaborative,
Yuba/Sutter Community Lead