California Jobs First (CERF) Yuba-Sutter Subregion

California Jobs First (CERF) is a $600 million fund that will invest in state-wide projects in alignment with equity, sustainability, and high quality jobs. Broad representation from Yuba-Sutter will be important at Subregional Roundtables to ensure lived experience and needs are shared to guide the direction of California Jobs First (CERF) in the diverse economic landscape of Yuba-Sutter. 

Civic Thread is working in partnership with Yuba-Sutter Economic Development Corporation (YSEDC), Center for Workers Rights (CWR), and Everyday Impact Consulting (EIC) to convene community members and businesses in Yuba-Sutter to share perspectives on what is needed to support equitable economic development around the creation of and access to high-quality jobs in the region.  

Meet our Yuba-Sutter Subregion Partners

How to get Involved

To access the Community Advisor application, visit:

Join Our Monthly Roundtable Meetings

Missed our past Roundtable Meetings? Click here to view the presentations and recordings!

SAVE the DATE for our next Roundtable Meeting on February 27, 2024. More details to come!